Give yourself the grace you deserve.

I just needed to “rest my eyes” this afternoon. My Nan used to say that.

I started off at 6:15 am with an iced coffee and a plan, determined to complete my list by 3pm.

My to do list didn’t get finished today, and neither did my daughters theology assignment, but she has until Sunday to complete it.

Then 1:30 hit and I just needed to “rest my eyes.”

Only one quarter of my list was completed, but my family was fed and they are happy. I was unable to run my errands, but we finished the assignments for English, and she got an A on her Math quiz.

My laundry from the dryer is sitting there waiting on me, still not folded, but that’s why they make an air fluff setting.

Some days are harder than others.

Some days we just can’t get it all done.

Some days it’s hard to get anything done at all.

Some days we are just too tired.

Just give yourself the grace you deserve, you’re doing the best you can.

And sometimes, you just need to “rest your eyes.”


  1. Thank you for sharing what real life is all about!

    1. Thank you Allison! I appreciate you reading my post! Blessings!

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